Thami Kotlolo biography, profile, education, gay & place of birth

Thami Kotlolo (born in Mamelodi) is the founder of Feathers Awards. The ‘man of many talents’ conceived one of the SA prolific awards at the age of 23. He has managed to make a name for himself. Thami has succeeded in ruffling a couple of feathers in politics, entertainment to corporate South Africa. He serves … Read more

Sbu Noah biography, age, profile, education & joyous celebration

Sbu Noah (born Sibusiso Desmond Mthembu; 1986 in Inanda, KwaZulu-Natal) is a South African talented Gospel artist. He walked into the limelight after dropping his hit gospel single Hallelujah Nkateko. He is also a member of Joyous Celebration, a South African Gospel choir. Sbu’s has gained popularity for the powerful vocals he uses when ministering … Read more

Shona Ferguson biography, age, profile, wife & daughter

Shona Ferguson (born 30 April 1974 – died 30 July 2021) was a South African actor and co-founder of Ferguson Films. He has gained popularity and made many television viewers glued to their screen.  The local actor was popular for playing the role of Dr. Lebua in Muvhango, a Mzansi soapie. Profile Name Shona Aaron … Read more

Siphesihle Ndaba biography: age, profile, net worth, education & background

Siphesihle Ndaba (born 4 August 1997 in Mofolo, Gauteng) is a South African actress. She is popular for playing the role of MaZet on Gomora, an Mzansi Magic drama series. The actress has gained popularity and has become a household name since her first appearance in acting in March 2020. Profile Name Siphesihle Ndaba Born … Read more

Costa Titch biography, age, profile, background & place of birth

Costa Titch (born Costa Tsobanoglou; 1995 in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga) is a South African rapper and songwriter. He is popular with many music song lovers for his hit songs including ‘Nkalakatha’ and ‘Activate’. The dancer turned rapper has managed to create a style for himself. He has continued to grow in the industry as he continues … Read more

Norma Gigaba Biography: Age, Education, Job, Husband, Interview, Age, Suits, Net Worth, Instagram, Wiki, Sister

Biography Nomachule Mngoma (born 9 April 1975), formerly addressed as Norma Gigaba, is a South African lawyer, specialist, and expert in Information and Technology. She is informally addressed as Mrs. Gigabyte for her deep understanding of Information technology.  She is also well-known as the wife of the former South African Minister of Finance and Home … Read more

Esther Musila biography, age, boyfriend, children & profile

Esther Musila (born in 1970) is a Kenyan musician, content creator, mother, and career person. She grew to prominence after her relationship with Guardian Angel, a renowned gospel artist. Their relationship went viral on social and they were dragged on the photo-sharing app because of their age difference. The gospel artist was dragged for dating … Read more

Lunathi Mampofu biography, age, profile, husband & parents

Lunathi Mampofu (born 7 March 1987) is a South African actress. She became popular upon landing a starring role as Zikhona on Ingozi, an SABC1 drama series, her first starring role on TV. She portrays the perfect villain gangster Benni on The Queen, an Mzansi Magic series. Profile Name Lunathi Mampofu Born 7 March 1987 … Read more

Mihlali Ndamase biography, age, profile, boyfriend & background

Mihlali Ndamase (born on 29 November 1996 in Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal) is a South African make-up artist and Vlogger. The fast-rising media personality has made many YouTube streamers follow her channel. She has always wanted to end up in the beauty and fashion industry. It could even date back to her young days, at the age … Read more

Sarah Langa biography, age, profile, education & husband

Sarah Langa (born 26 February 1993) is a renowned South African blogger. Her niches cover fashion, lifestyle, and her travels. Her content gained her incredible social media presence and financial returns. Profile Name Sarah Langa Born 26 February 1993 (age 28 years) Gender Female Nationality South African Place of birth South Africa Education Wits University … Read more